South Wind, Clear Sky (Gaifū kaisei)
South Wind, Clear Sky (Gaifū kaisei)
"South Wind, Clear Sky (Gaifū kaisei)," also known as "Red Fuji." This masterpiece is part of Katsushika Hokusai's renowned series "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji," a collection celebrated for its diverse depictions of Japan's most iconic mountain. This particular print, presented as an oban nishiki-e triptych, measures 10 x 15 inches (25.4 x 38.1 cm) and beautifully captures the majestic presence of Mount Fuji.
Description: "South Wind, Clear Sky (Gaifū kaisei)" stands as one of Hokusai's most iconic works, known for its breathtaking portrayal of Mount Fuji. The composition is a testament to Hokusai's artistic genius, as he skillfully combines vivid colors and intricate details to bring Mount Fuji to life.
Red Fuji: This print is affectionately referred to as "Red Fuji" due to the striking reddish hue that envelops the mountaintop. Hokusai captures the awe-inspiring moment when the mountain is bathed in the warm glow of the setting or rising sun, creating a sense of serenity and majesty.
Triptych Format: Presented as an oban nishiki-e triptych, this print is divided into three distinct sections. This format allows viewers to appreciate different perspectives of Mount Fuji, enhancing the overall visual impact.
Cultural Significance: Mount Fuji holds immense cultural significance in Japan, symbolizing beauty, strength, and spirituality. "South Wind, Clear Sky" pays homage to this revered icon, inviting viewers to connect with the mountain's timeless allure.
Date and Period: Created around 1830–32 during the Edo period (1615–1868), this print reflects the enduring fascination with Mount Fuji that characterized this era.
Medium: Hokusai's use of woodblock print techniques, ink, and color on paper showcases his mastery of the medium. The intricate details of Mount Fuji, as well as the surrounding landscape, highlight the artist's meticulous craftsmanship.
Dimensions: With dimensions of 10 x 15 inches (25.4 x 38.1 cm), this print is a substantial and visually captivating piece that commands attention.
Classification: Classified as a print, "South Wind, Clear Sky (Gaifū kaisei)" is a testament to Hokusai's enduring legacy as an artist and his ability to capture the essence of Mount Fuji in a way that resonates with viewers across generations.
"South Wind, Clear Sky (Gaifū kaisei)," or "Red Fuji," by Katsushika Hokusai is a masterpiece that celebrates the timeless beauty of Mount Fuji. Whether you are an art enthusiast or simply appreciate the cultural significance of Japan's iconic mountain, this print offers a mesmerizing visual experience that will captivate your imagination and transport you to the serene landscapes of Edo-era Japan.