Lower Meguro (Shimo Meguro)
Lower Meguro (Shimo Meguro)
"Lower Meguro," an enchanting woodblock print from Katsushika Hokusai's renowned series "Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji" (Fugaku sanjūrokkei). Created around 1830–32, this artwork transports you to the tranquil neighborhood of Lower Meguro, with the majestic Mount Fuji gracing the horizon, showcasing Hokusai's exceptional ability to harmonize urban life with the natural world.
Artist: Katsushika Hokusai, an iconic figure in Japanese art, lived from 1760 to 1849 in Tokyo (Edo). His profound impact on the ukiyo-e style is characterized by innovative compositions, intricate portrayal of nature, and a unique ability to encapsulate the essence of Japan. Hokusai's works are celebrated for their dynamic and emotive qualities.
Period and Culture: This print is a window into the Edo period, an era marked by peace and cultural flourishing in Japan. The period witnessed significant advancements in the arts, particularly in woodblock printing, an area where Hokusai was a major innovator.
Date: The artwork is dated to around 1830–32, representing a period that highlights Hokusai's artistic excellence. His works from this era are known for their sophistication, depth, and beauty.
Medium: This piece is a woodblock print, showcasing Hokusai's mastery of this traditional Japanese art form. The precise carving of woodblocks and the expert application of ink and color result in a vibrant and finely detailed image.
Dimensions: Measuring 10 1/4 x 15 1/4 inches (26 x 38.7 cm), the print is an ideal size for appreciation and display. Its dimensions allow for a comprehensive view of the intricate design and the picturesque urban landscape of Lower Meguro with the iconic Mount Fuji in the background.
Classification: Classified as a print, this work exemplifies Hokusai's significant contributions to the ukiyo-e genre. It showcases his unique style and technical expertise in Japanese woodblock printing.
"Lower Meguro" invites you to experience the harmony of nature and urban life, with Mount Fuji serving as a timeless backdrop. This print is a cherished addition for collectors and enthusiasts of Japanese art and culture, offering not only a visually enchanting scene but also a piece of the rich cultural tapestry of the Edo period. It is a timeless artwork that brings the serenity and majesty of Japan's landscapes into any space it graces.